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Now Available!

(2022) Intimacy in Emptiness: an Evolution of Embodied Consciousness. Collected Writings of Janet Adler, edited by Bonnie Morrissey and Paula Sager, Inner Traditions.

For details and ordering information go to

(2002) Offering from the Conscious Body: The Discipline of Authentic Movement by Janet Adler, Inner Traditions.
     in French
     in German
     in Italian
     in Chinese
     in Polish

(1995). Arching Backward: The Mystical Initiation of a Contemporary Woman. by Janet Adler, Inner Traditions.

(1999). Authentic Movement: Essays by Mary Whitehouse, Janet Adler and Joan Chodorow Vol I, edited by Patrizia Pallaro, Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

(2007) Authentic Movement: Moving the Body, Moving the Self, Being Moved Vol II, edited by Patrizia Pallaro, Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

(2018) Ins Nichtwissen eintreten: Discipline of Authentic Movement, edited by Anke Teigeler, Dr. Ludwig Reichert Verlag, forum zeitpunkt.

Film and Video

“LIGHT | Five Days with Janet Adler” (2023)
Link to film

Janet Adler Tribute (2023)
Link to film excerpt

Conversation with History Holders of the American Dance Therapy Association: Janet Adler (2022)
Conversation with Janet Adler

From the Somatic Festival 2019:
Panel Discussions: Janet Adler, Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen, and Nancy Stark Smith
Why Here, Why Then?
Where Are We Now?

Workshop: Intimacy and Emptiness: The Evolution of the Inner Witness in the Discipline of Authentic Movement

From The International Association for Creative Arts in Education and Therapy (IACET) Webinar, December 2020
Witnessing is a Loving Act

Films by Janet Adler
“Still Looking” (1988)
Documents Janet’s teaching at the time, as she works with students in a studio.

“Looking for Me” (1968) 
Documents Janet’s early groundbreaking work with children with autism. 

“Looking for Me” and “Still Looking” 
Access to complete films


The complete Janet Adler Collection of written works, books, papers, films, and interviews will be permanently housed and made available through the Jerome Robbins Dance Division at the New York Public Library for the Performing Arts 

Faculty Publications

Bacon, Jane (2016), Authentic Movement as wellbeing practice.Karkou, Oliver and Lycouris, ed.: Dance and Movement for Wellbeing: Kaleidoscopic Views of a Diverse Field, Oxford University Press.

Broillet, Francoise (2017) Revue annuelle de la Fédération Française des Art-Thérapeutes, Art-thérapie et langages (17ème colloque annuel)

Cahill, Susan (2015) Tapestry of a Clinician: Blending Authentic Movement and Internal Family Systems Model. Journal of Dance and Somatic Practices, Vol 7 No 2

Halstrup, Irmgard (2018), To the bones – and through: The Discipline of Authentic Movement and voice work. Journal of Dance & Somatic Practices, Vol. 7 No. 2, pp. 278-298, doi:10.1386/jdsp.7.2.287_1

—Bis in die Knochen – und darüber hinaus. Der Übungsweg Authentic Movement und Arbeit mit der Stimme. Teigeler, Anke (Hg.): Ins Nichtwissen eintreten. Discipline of Authentic Movement, S.42-56.

—До самых костей и глубже: Дисциплина Аутентичного Движения и работа с голосом. Перевод с английского

Hartley, Linda (2024), Embodied Spirit, Conscious Earth: From Embryology to Embodied Relational Spiritual Practice, Axminster, Devon, United Kingdom, Triarchy Press

(2001), Choice, surrender and transitions. In: Authentic Movement: Reflections on personal and teaching practice. Journal of Dance and Somatic Practices, Vol 7 No 2

—Моменты выбора, переходов и следования в Аутентичном Движении: наблюдения из личной и преподавательской практики. Перевод с английского

—Servants of the Sacred Dream: Rebirthing the Deep Feminine – Psycho-spiritual Crisis and Healing. Norfolk, Emdon Books

—An enquiry into direct experience – Authentic Movement and the five Skandhas. Britain: Self & Society, the journal of Association of Humanistic Psychology

—Исследование прямого опыта: Аутентичное Движение и Пять скандх. Переведено с английского

—Embodiment of Spirit: From embryology to Authentic Movement as embodied relational spiritual practice. First published as Chapter 1 of Dance, Somatics and Spiritualities: Contemporary Sacred Narratives, edited by Amanda Williamson, Glenna Batson, Sarah Whatley and Rebecca Weber. Published by Intellect, Bristol/Chicago. 2014.

—Воплощение духа: от эмбриологии к Аутентичному Движению. Перевод с английского

—Somatic Psychology: Body, Mind and Meaning. London and Philadelphia, Whurr/Wiley

Hofler-Resch, Susanne (2018), “Verkörperlichungen. Der Übungsweg Authentic Movement und der Verkörperungsprozess in der Bildenden Kunst. In: “Ins Nichtwissen eintreten” . Teigler, ed.,/Reichert Verlag Wiesbaden

Lavendel, Fran (2016), Healing into wholeness: Psychotherapy practice informed by the Discipline of Authentic Movement. In: Body, Movement and Dance in Psychotherapy

—Heilend Ganzheit erfahrend. Einfluss und Wirkung des Übungswegs Authentic Movement auf psychotherapeutische Arbeit, Teigeler, Anke (Hg.): Ins Nichtwissen eintreten. Discipline of Authentic Movement, S.75-84.

—Исцеление в целостности. Психотерапевтическая практика под влиянием Дисциплины Аутентичного Движения. Перевод с английского

Morrissey, Bonnie (2006), Authentic Movement and Embodied Consciousness: Deconstructing the Hierarchies that Sustain Oppression and Domination in Human and Nonhuman Animal Life. In: ReVision, A Journal of Consciousness and Transformation, Volume 29, Number 1, Summer 2006

Morrissey, Bonnie & Sager, Paula 2017, The Radical Gesture of Generosity: A Dialogue Between Paula Sager and Bonnie Morrissey, Posted on Authentic Movement Community Blog

Plevin, Marsha, Portals of Conscious Transformation: from Authentic Movement to Performance, The Oxford Handbook of Dance and Well-being Ed. V. Karkou, S. Oliver, S- Lucourts. LondonDOI. 1093/oxfordhb/978019949298.013.13

Plevin M. and Zhou Y., (2020), Creative Movement with Te and Ch’i – Global Virtual and Embodied Connection During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Creative Arts Education and Therapy 6 (1):61–71, DOI: 10.15212/CAET/2020/6/17.

Sager, Paula (2002), Listening to Sound: Awakening an Embodied Social Sense. A Moving Journal, Vol. ( (3), p. 14-16. 

—(2008), Witness Consciousness in the Development of the Individual. Graduate Graduate Thesis, Owen Barfield School of Sunbridge College,

—(2013), Witness Consciousness and the Origins of a New Discipline. Journal of Authentic Movement & Somatic Inquiry, online publication.

—(2019), ОСОЗНАННОСТЬ СВИДЕТЕЛЯ И ИСТОКИ НОВОЙ ДИСЦИПЛИНЫ Пола Сэджер. Witness Consciousness and the Origins of a New Discipline, Journal of Authentic Movement & Somatic Inquiry online publication, (translated into Russian, 2019)

—(2015), Journey of the Inner Witness: A Path of Development, Journal of Dance and Somatic Practices, Vol. 7 No. 2, Intellect Books 

—Путешествие внутреннего свидетеля: путь развития. Перевод с английского

—Die Reise der inneren Zeugin – ein Entwicklungsweg. Teigeler, Anke (Hg.): Ins Nichtwissen eintreten. Discipline of Authentic Movement, Reichert Verlag, 2018, S. 250-265.

Schmitz, Cornelia (2015), The Discipline of Authentic Movement – what it is and what it is not.

—Authentische Bewegung als Weg/ The Discipline of Authentic Movement. Was sie ist und was sie nicht ist, Teigeler, Anke (Hg.): Ins Nichtwissen eintreten, Discipline of Authentic Movement, Reichert Verlag, 2018, S. 38-41

—Дисциплина Аутентичного Движения: чем она является, а чем – нет. Перевод с английского

Teigeler, Anke (2015), Entering not-knowing: Psychotherapy and the value of embodied spiritual development in the Discipline of Authentic Movement. The Journal of Authentic Movement and Somatic Inquiry, 2015

—Wir in Resonanz: Der bewusste kollektive Körper. Teigeler, Anke (Hg.): Ins Nichtwissen eintreten

—Vertrauen ist stärker als Angst,. Psychotherapie und die Bedeutung verkörperter spiritueller Erfahrung . Revised edition in Teigeler, Anke (Hg.): Ins Nichtwissen eintreten

—Ins Nichtwissen eintreten: Discipline of Authentic Movement, Edited by Anke Teigeler, Dr. Ludwig Reichert Verlag, forum zeitpunkt.

Waissman, Betina (2008), Movimiento Auténtico: Mover el Cuerpo, Mover el Alma. In: El Cuerpo. nº28/2008 de la Revista de Terapia Gestalt AETG.

—Movimento Autêntico: Mover o Corpo, Mover a Alma. In: El Cuerpo. nº28/2008 de la Revista de Terapia Gestalt AETG.

—Authentic Movement: Moving the Body, Moving the Soul. In: El Cuerpo. nº28/2008 de la Revista de Terapia Gestalt AETG

Webb, Joan (2022), Introduction to the Discipline of Authentic Movement.