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For whom is the Circles of Four program designed?

Circles of Four is a program for preparing teachers of the Discipline of Authentic Movement. It is designed for practitioners who already have an in-depth embodied experience of the Discipline of Authentic Movement, through ongoing study of individual and group work with a teacher or teachers of the discipline. Through their practice, they have developed an inner witness well able to accompany them.  They have a devotion to their own practice and study of the discipline as well as a desire to be a witness for others and to teach the discipline.

The process for each person who feels called to enter Circles of Four is unique. The Learner’s experiences, circumstances, and inquiries, together with their three teachers’ guidance, shape the individualized nature of each circle.  Learners must have comfort engaging with their teachers in a process of learning that is self-initiated, collaborative, and intimate. There is no curriculum or schedule or external criteria to satisfy, nor is there a fixed duration of the program. Fees are decided between the learner and each teacher. The Learner and their teachers work out together the frequency of their meetings. The time of completion of the program is guided by the felt sense of readiness in all four members of the circle. 

What prepares a student to apply for the program?

  • Long-term, ongoing study with a teacher of the Discipline of Authentic Movement,  preferably in both individual and group practice. The student has developed awareness of an inner witness who is able to stay present and track their movement process. The student has experience as a speaking witness and an understanding of how the speaking practice in the discipline differs from the speaking practice in other forms of Authentic Movement.
  • Knowledge at the graduate level in psychotherapy/counseling/developmental psychology/ dance therapy/somatic studies, etc. (or their equivalent) that enables skillful holding of psychological material that can arise.  They also have knowledge of trauma-informed practices or are open to study further practices.  
  • Personal engagement with an extended, in-depth therapy process, including both somatic and verbal approaches.
  • A relationship with non-personal realms/mystical practice with growing experience and capacity.
  • Experience working with individuals and groups and an understanding of group dynamics.
  • Each student is unique and there may be exceptions to the usual pathway. If you have the sense that you have an in-depth embodied personal relationship with the discipline, but don’t fit the requirements, please inquire.

What is the path to forming a circle? 

Most often potential Learners will already have a long-time relationship with at least one teacher. Both will agree on the student’s readiness to enter the program and become a Learner.  Occasionally, after a student makes an initial contact with a new teacher (often involving several meetings and movement sessions) it becomes clear that this person meets the requirements and wishes to commit to being a Learner and preparing to be a teacher. 

Students prepare application documents that will be sent to all three of their prospective teachers: an autobiographical essay and three letters of reference written by people with whom they have a current professional and/or educational relationship. 

The autobiographical essay addresses how the applicant’s experiences meet the required preparations. It includes details of their experience studying the discipline (teachers, formats, approximate dates), relevant academic study and other training (programs, degrees, dates), a brief history of relevant professional work, a brief description of therapeutic experience (years, frequency, and types of therapy), their relationship with mystical practice, and any personal or autobiographical information that they would like to offer.

In consultation with their current teacher(s) they seek other teachers who may agree to be part of their circle. Information about each teacher on the Circles of Four Faculty can be found here. Through interviews and movement sessions, students connect with additional teachers who will support their learning through individual work (Primary Teacher), group work (Retreat Teacher), and supervision of their teaching (Supervision Teacher.) Each potential teacher will let the applicant know when they wish to receive the application documents. If teachers are not available to be part of the circle or cannot offer what is needed, they will help the student find another possible teacher.

The three teachers speak together and may also speak as a group with the student. If all agree, they welcome this new Learner into the program. At times teachers will feel that a student is not yet ready to commit to the program. Suggestions will be given as to how to strengthen their readiness and often this will involve continuing study of the discipline in preparation. There are also times when everyone realizes that the program is not the right path for the applicant.

Are my teachers my only learning circle? 

The faculty of the Circles of Four program are conscious of the vital role that learning with peers plays in this lineage. As Learners choose to attend retreats (sometimes with teachers of the discipline other than their own retreat teacher) and participate in peer-led dyads or groups, their relationships with one another strengthen their understanding of the discipline.  Participating in Circles of Four, Learners connect with a web of teachers and learners with whom they may one day become colleagues.

If I have not yet developed a significant relationship with the Discipline of Authentic Movement what might be my next steps? 

The process begins when a student seeks a teacher of the discipline to whom they feel drawn (and perhaps is geographically close), whether through word of mouth, a chance meeting or through the website page  “Find a Teacher”.   The student may want to meet with more than one teacher before deciding with whom to begin their work. 

Students begin solo work with their chosen teacher and perhaps group work with them and/or with other teachers. Thus they deepen their understanding and practice of the discipline. As their relationship with the discipline and their inner witness develops, some students find themselves called to be a witness to others and to become teachers of the discipline and choose to apply to become a Learner in the Circles of Four program.

Other students may recognize that their primary longing is to deepen their own experience of the discipline. While they would not choose to apply to enter the Circles of Four program and teach, they are practicing in the lineage of the Discipline of Authentic Movement.


If you have any questions about the application process, please email
