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Circles of Four Graduate

Anna Garafeeva

Anna Garafeeva

Language: Russian, English
Location: Moscow, Russia
Phone: +7 926 591-11-28

Anna Garafeeva began her study of Authentic Movement in 1998, first working with Paula Josa-Jones, Nancy Zendora, Helen Payne, and Patricia Pallaro. She began her work with Janet Adler in 2010, discovering the Discipline of Authentic Movement both as therapeutic and mystical practice, and continued to deepen her practice with Janet in annual groups. She completed the five-year Internship Program of the Discipline of Authentic Movement in 2017 and the Circles of Four program in 2018.

Anna offers the Discipline of Authentic Movement to individuals and small groups. She teaches weekly groups, five-day annual retreats in nature, individual sessions, dyad work, and nine-day retreats in Moscow.

Anna translated Janet Adler’s Offering from the Conscious Body: The Discipline of Authentic Movement (2002) into Russian.

She is a Dance Movement Psychotherapist and Jungian Analyst, trained at the Institute of Practical Psychology and Psychoanalysis (Moscow), with over 15 years of psychotherapeutic practice. She is a member of the Professional Society of Analytical Psychologists. From 2005-2015, she taught a postgraduate Expressive Arts Psychotherapy program at Moscow State Psychology-Pedagogical University. In addition, she is a dancer and choreographer, working at the edge of Butoh dance and theatre.